Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Java Language Puzzle 1

From the domain of stuff that makes you wonder if your debugger is lying to you, I give you a little puzzle. How many times does the following code print the line “Creating crumble…” and why?

public class JavaLanguagePuzzle1
    private static abstract class CookieBase
        public CookieBase()
        protected void init() {}
    private static class Cookie extends CookieBase
        private Crumble crumble = null;

        protected void init()
        public Crumble crumble()
            if( this.crumble == null )
                this.crumble = new Crumble();
            return crumble;
    private static class Crumble
        public Crumble()
            System.err.println( "Creating crumble..." );
    public static void main( final String[] args )
        ( new Cookie() ).crumble();

SOLUTION: Pretty much everyone who responded came up with the correct answer of two times. Most correctly explained why that happens. Part of the reason is that explicit member variable initialization in a class happens after the superclass constructor has executed. The part that might be tricky to realize is that explicitly initializing a member variable to null does not have the same runtime behavior as leaving it uninitialized. Removing explicit initialization of crumble to null makes this code behave as it appears to on the surface.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Inconvenient process? Let’s fix it.

Some of you may have noticed the debate happening regarding proper entry expectations for WTP incubator project following Holger’s veto of a committer election. Holger is acting well within the power granted to him by Eclipse Development Process (EDP), but is it a right and proper action?

Every committer on a project has the veto power in an election. By extension, any entry criteria for a project (whether written or unwritten) is nothing more than a social convention. The reality is that every committer can choose to levy their own personal expectations. Most of the time it’s not a problem, except when it is.

Here are some quotes from this particular event:

“I found only some bug reports but not a single code contribution from any of the four nominated persons. Please attach the planned code contribution to a bug report. I'd like to vote for each of the nominated persons as soon as I know that the code is readable and covered by JUnit tests.”

“Have [snip] been asked if they like to become committers as individuals (and not only as employees of SAP)? Are these authors of the code or what is their motivation to maintain and enhance these editors?”

In a regular project with established code base, established team and well-defined scope, you can argue that giving every committer veto power over elections is appropriate. After all, there is an established code base to protect. The same considerations do not apply when a new component is proposed in an incubator.

The WTP incubator project was started with the intention to provide a low entry barrier playground for people to come and experiment on new ideas while gaining experience and proving their merit to committers on the core projects that will eventually be asked to admit matured functions. Incubators make sense because they provide a quicker way to get started than a separate project proposal. Unfortunately incubators have to rely on a social convention that existing committers act in a welcoming fashion to newcomers. Most of the time that happens, except when it doesn’t.

I would posit that there is no legitimate purpose served by holding a committer election when a new component is proposed for an incubator. The situation is supposed to be very similar to new project creation and we don’t hold elections there. The party proposing a project gets to designate a group of individuals to be the initial committers without anyone questioning their credentials or motives. A similar process is needed to make incubators work better.

The last revision of EDP has formalized the concept of a persistent incubator. I propose that we build on those revisions and amend EDP to remove the committer vote requirement for incubator projects when a new component is being proposed. The project’s PMC would still have the oversight and ability to decline a new component proposal. This change would also fix the rather awkward problem of having to have “seeder” committers when creating incubator projects.

Note that my suggestion is for persistent incubator projects rather than normal projects during incubation phase. I am also not suggesting that we remove committer vote entirely from incubators. Anyone wishing to join existing effort already underway in the incubator should still be subject to committer vote.


PS.1 : This situation has served to highlight a process problem and it is the process that I seek to improve. I have no beef with Holger. I am sure he is acting on what he believes in.

PS.2 : I am further confident that this particular storm will blow over, Holger’s objections will be met, another election held, etc. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to improve the process so that such situations do not happen again and we continue to have vibrant incubator projects at Eclipse.

Update: At Wayne’s request I created a bug to track this proposed improvement to Eclipse Development Process.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oracle JVM 6u21 and Eclipse

A number of users have encountered frequent Eclipse crashes since the recent Oracle JVM 6u21 update. The crash cause is listed as follows:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

The underlying problem if that in 6u21 (version 1.6.0_21), the vendor was changed from Sun to Oracle. Eclipse launcher reads the JVM vendor and if it detects a Sun JVM, it adds an extra –XX:MaxPermSize setting that is necessary for Eclipse to function. With the vendor change in 6u21, the launcher is no longer adding the necessary parameter on launch.

There is an Eclipse Platform bug open, but so far it doesn't look like there is going to be an attempt to resolve this until Helios SR1 scheduled for September.


Fortunately, there is an easy workaround. Open the eclipse.ini file in an editor. You will see something similar to this:


This is setting that's not having any effect after 6u21:


Remove it. In it's place, add -XX:MaxPermSize=256m on a new line after the -Xmx setting. Better yet, while you are in there, bump the memory limits to a higher value. Nothing ruins your train of thought better than your IDE crashing with an OutOfMemoryError. Here is a sample eclipse.ini that works on 6u21.


IMPORTANT: I do work for Oracle, but this is not an official Oracle statement on this issue. Just some advice from one Eclipse developer to another.

Update: This problem is specific to Windows. On *nix variants, Eclipse launcher uses slower, but more robust logic for detecting JVM type. More information in Bug 320005 for those who are interested.

Update: Oracle has produced another build of 6u21 JVM that reverts the change that adversely affected Eclipse. If you have reverted back to an older JVM, you can safely move forward to 6u21. The build 1.6.0_21-b07 is safe to use. The version that Eclipse has trouble with is b06. You can check which version you have by running "java -version". More information in Sun Bug 6969236 for those who are interested.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sapphire – Focus on Localization

If you have missed the introduction to Sapphire, make sure to read it first… Introduction to Sapphire

Localization is like build systems, something that most developers prefer not to think about. Unfortunately, the developer must take explicit steps to manually externalize all user-visible strings for the software to be localizable. The localizable strings go into a separate file and the code references them by a key. The developer must come up with a key and then must manage the list of externalized strings so that it stays in sync with the code. Some tools have been developed to make this a little easier, but two types of problems remain very common:

  1. Strings that should be externalized are not. It’s too easy for the developer to put the string directly into code and then forget to externalize it later.
  2. The string resource files get out of sync with code. The case where the resource file is missing a string is easy enough to catch at runtime. The case where resource files contain orphaned strings not referenced in code is much harder to detect.

Since Sapphire is a UI framework, localization is very important. Since Sapphire is focused on ease of use and developer productivity, relying on current methods of localization is not satisfactory.

Localizable strings largely occur in two places in Sapphire. You see them in the model annotations (such as the @Label annotation) and you see them throughout the UI definition files. Sapphire’s approach is to allow the developer to leave the strings in their original language at point of use. The string resource files that will be translated are created at build time. The build system takes the original string and applies a function to it to generate a key for the string resources file. The same function is applied at runtime to derive the key to lookup the translated string.

The critical concept is that the developer does not take any explicit steps to enable localization. It just happens under the covers.

The nature of the function that is used to derive the string resources file key is not particularly important as long as the resulting key is not overly long and is reasonably free from collisions. The current implementation takes the original string, chops it off at 20 characters and replaces some characters that are illegal in a property file key with an underscore. Decent approach for the first cut, but we will likely replace it with an md5 hash in the first version of Sapphire to ship at Eclipse Foundation.

On top of the automatic externalization, Sapphire is architected to minimize the number of strings that must be externalized in the first place. In particular, when the developer specifies a property label, the string is expected to be all in lower case (except where acronyms or proper nouns are used). Sapphire is able to transform the capitalization of the label to make it suitable for different contexts. Three modes of capitalization are supported:

  1. NO_CAPS:  Basically the original string as specified by developer. This is most frequently used for embedding inside validation messages.
  2. FIRST_WORD_ONLY:  This is your typical label in the UI. The colon is added by the UI renderer where appropriate.
  3. TITLE_STYLE:  This is typically used in column headers, section headers, dialog titles, etc.

The current capitalization algorithm works well for English and reasonably well for other languages, but it will need to be made pluggable in the future.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Extension system when you cannot depend on OSGi?

I've been developing with OSGi for so long that sometimes I forget that not everyone in the Java world can take advantage of all the benefits offerred by it. Recently I have been contemplating the approaches to framework extensibility when you cannot depend on OSGi. Note that I am not looking for other solutions to modularity. I am looking for an extension contribution system that is not specific to OSGi. We'd like to support Sapphire in all Java UI contexts and extensibility for implementing new UI parts, renderers, etc. is key.

Before I start re-inventing the wheel... Have others faced similar requirements? If so, what was the approach that you chose?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sapphire - Focus on Browsing

If you have missed the introduction to Sapphire, make sure to read it first... Introduction to Sapphire

One of the most enduring UI patterns is a browse button next to the text box for selecting among possible values. Very frequently the scenario is to browse for files or folders, but the pattern is more generic than that and has been used to browse for arbitrary items especially when the set of possible values can be large.

In Sapphire, developers are not creating and wiring up individual UI widgets. This makes it possible to implement the browse button pattern at a higher level of abstraction. If a browse handler is active for a property, a browse button will be automatically created. The framework will even register a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+L, 'L' is for locate) which can be used to open the browse dialog while focus is on the text field.

Sapphire uses image-based buttons for compactness and to create a more modern look-n-feel. In the following screen capture you can see how the browse buttons appear to the user. Note a tiny browse image in the table cell editor. That's a browse button too.


File System Paths

Sapphire provides a set of annotations that make it easier to deal with file system paths. The developer uses these annotations to specify the semantics of the property and Sapphire automatically adds validation and browsing support.

Consider the case where a property must hold an absolute path to a file that must exist and must have "jar" or "zip" extension. Such a property could be declared as follows:

@Type( base = IPath.class )
@ValidFileSystemResourceType( FileSystemResourceType.FILE )
@ValidFileExtensions( { "jar", "zip" } )
ValueProperty PROP_ABSOLUTE_FILE_PATH = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "AbsoluteFilePath" );
Value<IPath> getAbsoluteFilePath();
void setAbsoluteFilePath( String value );
void setAbsoluteFilePath( IPath value );

Based on the above specification, the framework will attach validation that will make sure that the entered path is absolute, that it references a file, that the referenced file exists and that it has the appropriate extension. That happens in the model layer. The UI framework will see these annotations and supply a browse button wired to open the operating system's native file browse dialog pre-filtered to only show jar and zip files.

Similar support is available for absolute folder paths. Just remove @ValidFileExtensions and change @ValidFileSystemResourceType.

Or maybe you are writing an extension to Eclipse IDE and your property needs to hold a workspace path instead of an absolute path... Just replace @AbsolutePath with @EclipseWorkspacePath in the above example. The validation will change to use Eclipse resources API and the native browse dialog will be replaced with the standard Eclipse workspace resources dialog.

Or maybe you need to deal with relative paths, but you have custom requirements for how these relative paths are to be resolved. Sapphire still got you covered. Just replace @AbsolutePath with @BasePathsProvider annotations and implement a class that returns all possible roots...

@Type( base = IPath.class )
@BasePathsProvider( CustomBasePathsProvider.class )
@ValidFileSystemResourceType( FileSystemResourceType.FILE )
@ValidFileExtensions( "dll" )
ValueProperty PROP_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "RelativeFilePath" );
Value<IPath> getRelativeFilePath();
void setRelativeFilePath( String value );
void setRelativeFilePath( IPath value );
public final class CustomBasePathsProvider extends BasePathsProviderImpl
    public List<IPath> getBasePaths( IModelElement element )
        final List<IPath> roots = new ArrayList<IPath>();
        roots.add( new Path( "c:/Windows" ) );
        roots.add( new Path( "c:/Program Files" ) );

        return roots;

You will still get all the validation that you would get with an absolute path, including validation for existence which will try to locate your path using the roots returned by your base paths provider. On the UI side you will get a custom browse dialog box that lets you browse for resources in all the roots simultaneously. This can be very powerful in many contexts where the system that UI is being built for searches for the specified file in a set of defined locations.


String Values

Another common scenario is the case where the value must come from a list possible values not necessarily tied to something specific like file system resources. For instance, consider the case where a property must reference an entity name from the set of entities defined elsewhere.

Sapphire provides a set of three annotations to simplify these scenarios. The annotations are @PossibleValuesProvider, @PossibleValues and @PossibleValuesFromModel. Of the three annotations, the first one is the most generic one. It lets the developer implement a class that computes the set of possible values at runtime...

@PossibleValuesProvider( impl = CityNameValuesProvider.class )
ValueProperty PROP_CITY = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "City" );
Value<String> getCity();
void setCity( String value );
public class CityNameValuesProvider extends PossibleValuesProviderImpl
    protected abstract void fillPossibleValues( SortedSet values )
        // Your logic goes here.

If you find that in your scenario the set of possible values is static you can use the @PossibleValues annotation instead. This annotation lets you specify the set of possible values right in the annotation instead of implementing a custom values provider.

Or maybe your scenario calls for a property to draw its possible values from another property in the model. The @PossibleValuesFromModel annotation has you covered. It lets you specify a path through the model where possible values should be harvested.

@PossibleValuesFromModel( path = "/Contacts/Name", caseSensitive = false ) 
ValueProperty PROP_ASSISTANT = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Assistant" );
Value<String> getAssistant();
void setAssistant( String value );

Regardless of which of the three annotations you use, you will get validation that will check that the specified value is in the set of possible values. Additional attributes are available on all three of these annotations that let you customize the validation. For instance, you can change the problem severity to warning or even disable validation completely. You can even specify whether the comparison should be case sensitive. On the UI front, you will get browse button wired to the standard list item selection dialog.


Java Types

Sapphire even integrates with JDT to support properties that reference classes or interfaces visible to a given Java project. The developer uses the supplied JavaTypeName class as the type for a value property and then tunes the semantics using @JavaTypeConstraints and @MustExist annotations. Sapphire takes care of the rest. You get validation for type existence, kind of type (interface, class, etc.) and even whether type derives from another type. On the UI side, you get a browse button wired to JDT's type selection dialog.

In the following example, the property is specified to take a name of a non-abstract class that must extend AbstractList class while also implementing Cloneable interface.

@Type( base = JavaTypeName.class )
@JavaTypeConstraints( kind = JavaTypeKind.CLASS, type = { "java.util.AbstractList", "java.lang.Cloneable" } )
ValueProperty PROP_CUSTOM_LIST_CLASS = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "CustomListClass" );
Value<JavaTypeName> getCustomListClass();
void setCustomListClass( String value );
void setCustomListClass( JavaTypeName value );


Completely Custom

Sapphire browse handling support is extensible to support cases that do not fit one of the above molds. To do this, you create a custom class that extends BrowseHandler. You can then register your browse handler globally (to activate under a condition that you specify) or locally for a specific property editor in the UI definition. The second case is more common.

Here is an example:



One variant of the browse button pattern has baffled UI writers for years. In some cases, the semantics of the property require the use of more than one browse dialog. For instance, consider the case where the property can take an absolute path to an archive file or a folder. No established convention exists for how to handle this case and developers have tried a number of different options. Here are a few examples from Eclipse itself.




Sapphire adopts the convention of using a drop-down menu from the browse button when multiple browse handlers are active concurrently. Here is what that looks like:


Currently, there are no model annotations that can fully describe the complex semantics of such scenarios. The developer must register the browse handlers in the UI definition. Validation should be done in a custom validator class attached via @Validator annotation.

Here is the UI definition from the above screen capture. All the system-provided browse handlers that activate when certain annotations are used are also available for direct reference from the UI definitions as can be seen in this example.


Friday, June 25, 2010


Little has changed in the way Java desktop UI is written since the original Java release. Technologies have changed (AWT, Swing, SWT, etc.), but fundamentals remain the same. The developer must choose which widgets to use, how to lay those widgets out, how to store the data being edited and how to synchronize the model with the UI. Even the best developers fall into traps of having UI components talk directly to other UI components rather than through the model. Inordinate amount of time is spent debugging layout and data-binding issues.

Sapphire aims to raise UI writing to a higher level of abstraction. The core premise is that the basic building block of UI should not be a widget (text box, label, button, etc.), but rather a property editor. Unlike a widget, a property editor analyzes metadata associated with a given property, renders the appropriate widgets to edit that property and wires up data binding. Data is synchronized, validation is passed from the model to the UI, content assistance is made available, etc.

This fundamentally changes the way developers interact with a UI framework. Instead of writing UI by telling the system how to do something, the developer tells the system what they intend to accomplish. When using Sapphire, the developer says "I want to edit LastName property of the person object". When using widget toolkits like SWT, the developer says "create label, create text box, lay them out like so, configure their settings, setup data binding and so on". By the time the developer is done, it is hard to see the original goal in the code that's produced. This results in UI that is inconsistent, brittle and difficult to maintain.

First, The Model

Sapphire includes a simple modeling framework that is tuned to the needs of the Sapphire UI framework and is designed to be easy to learn. It is also optimized for iterative development. A Sapphire model is defined by writing Java interfaces and using annotations to attach metadata. An annotation processor that is part of Sapphire SDK then generates the implementation classes. Sapphire leverages Eclipse Java compiler to provide quick and transparent code generation that runs in the background while you work on the model. The generated classes are treated as build artifacts and are not source controlled. In fact, you will rarely have any reason to look at them. All model authoring and consumption happens through the interfaces.

In this article we will walk through a Sapphire sample called EzBug. The sample is based around a scenario of building a bug reporting system. Let's start by looking at IBugReport.


public interface IBugReport extends IModelElementForXml, IRemovable
    ModelElementType TYPE = new ModelElementType( IBugReport.class );
    // *** CustomerId ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "customer" )
    @Label( standard = "customer ID" )

    ValueProperty PROP_CUSTOMER_ID = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "CustomerId" );

    Value<String> getCustomerId();
    void setCustomerId( String value );

    // *** Title ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "title" )
    @Label( standard = "title" )

    ValueProperty PROP_TITLE = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Title" );

    Value<String> getTitle();
    void setTitle( String value );
    // *** Details ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "details" )
    @Label( standard = "details" )

    ValueProperty PROP_DETAILS = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Details" );

    Value<String> getDetails();
    void setDetails( String value );
    // *** ProductVersion ***

    @Type( base = ProductVersion.class )
    @XmlBinding( path = "version" )
    @Label( standard = "version" )
    @DefaultValue( "2.5" )

    ValueProperty PROP_PRODUCT_VERSION = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "ProductVersion" );

    Value<ProductVersion> getProductVersion();
    void setProductVersion( String value );
    void setProductVersion( ProductVersion value );
    // *** ProductStage ***

    @Type( base = ProductStage.class )
    @XmlBinding( path = "stage" )
    @Label( standard = "stage" )
    @DefaultValue( "final" )

    ValueProperty PROP_PRODUCT_STAGE = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "ProductStage" );

    Value<ProductStage> getProductStage();
    void setProductStage( String value );
    void setProductStage( ProductStage value );
    // *** Hardware ***

    @Type( base = IHardwareItem.class )
    @ListPropertyXmlBinding( mappings = { @ListPropertyXmlBindingMapping( element = "hardware-item", type = IHardwareItem.class ) } )
    @Label( standard = "hardware" )
    ListProperty PROP_HARDWARE = new ListProperty( TYPE, "Hardware" );
    ModelElementList<IHardwareItem> getHardware();

As you can see in the above code listing, a model element definition in Sapphire is composed of a series of blocks. These blocks define properties of the model element. Each property block has a PROP_* field that declares the property, the metadata in the form of annotations and the accessor methods. All metadata about the model element is stored in the interface. There are no external files. When this interface is compiled, Java persists these annotation in the .class file and Sapphire is able to read them at runtime.

Sapphire has three types of properties: value, element and list. Value properties hold simple data, such as strings, integers, enums, etc. Any object that is immutable and can be serialized to a string can be stored in a value property. An element property holds a reference to another model element. You can specify whether this nested model element should always exist or if it should be possible to create and delete it. A list property holds zero or more model elements. A list can be homogeneous (only holds one type of elements) or heterogeneous (holds elements of various specified types).

Using a combination of list and element properties, it is possible to create an arbitrary model hierarchy. In the above listing, there is one list property. It is homogeneous and references IHardwareItem element type. Let's look at that type next.


public interface IHardwareItem extends IModelElementForXml, IRemovable
    ModelElementType TYPE = new ModelElementType( IHardwareItem.class );
    // *** Type ***
    @Type( base = HardwareType.class )
    @XmlBinding( path = "type" )
    @Label( standard = "type" )

    ValueProperty PROP_TYPE = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Type" );

    Value<HardwareType> getType();
    void setType( String value );
    void setType( HardwareType value );
    // *** Make ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "make" )
    @Label( standard = "make" )

    ValueProperty PROP_MAKE = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Make" );

    Value<String> getMake();
    void setMake( String value );
    // *** ItemModel ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "model" )
    @Label( standard = "model" )

    ValueProperty PROP_ITEM_MODEL = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "ItemModel" );

    Value<String> getItemModel();
    void setItemModel( String value );

    // *** Description ***
    @XmlBinding( path = "description" )
    @Label( standard = "description" )

    ValueProperty PROP_DESCRIPTION = new ValueProperty( TYPE, "Description" );

    Value<String> getDescription();
    void setDescription( String value );

The IHardwareItem listing should look very similar to IBugReport and that's the point. A Sapphire model is just a collection of Java interfaces that are annotated in a certain way and reference each other.

A bug report is contained in IFileBugReportOp, which serves as the top level type in the model.

@RootXmlBinding( elementName = "report" )

public interface IFileBugReportOp extends IModelForXml, IExecutableModelElement
    ModelElementType TYPE = new ModelElementType( IFileBugReportOp.class );
    // *** BugReport ***
    @Type( base = IBugReport.class )
    @Label( standard = "bug report" )
    @XmlBinding( path = "bug" )
    ElementProperty PROP_BUG_REPORT = new ElementProperty( TYPE, "BugReport" );
    IBugReport getBugReport();
    IBugReport getBugReport( boolean createIfNecessary );

Let's now look at the last bit of code that goes with this model, which is the enums.

@Label( standard = "type", full = "hardware type" )

public enum HardwareType
    @Label( standard = "CPU" )

    @Label( standard = "main board" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "Main Board" )

    @Label( standard = "RAM" )
    @Label( standard = "video controller" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "Video Controller" )

    @Label( standard = "storage" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "Storage" )
    @Label( standard = "other" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "Other" )

@Label( standard = "product stage" )

public enum ProductStage
    @Label( standard = "alpha" )

    @Label( standard = "beta" )

    @Label( standard = "final" )

@Label( standard = "product version" )

public enum ProductVersion
    @Label( standard = "1.0" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "1.0" )
    @Label( standard = "1.5" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "1.5" )

    @Label( standard = "1.6" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "1.6" )
    @Label( standard = "2.0" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "2.0" )
    @Label( standard = "2.3" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "2.3" )
    @Label( standard = "2.4" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "2.4" )
    @Label( standard = "2.5" )
    @EnumSerialization( primary = "2.5" )

You can use any enum as a type for a Sapphire value property. Here, once again, you see Sapphire pattern of using Java annotations to attach metadata to model particles. In this case the annotations are specifying how Sapphire should present enum items to the user and how these items should be serialized to string form.

Then, The UI

The bulk of the work in writing UI using Sapphire is modeling the data that you want to present to the user. Once the model is done, defining the UI is simply a matter of arranging the properties on the screen. This is done via an XML file.


                <label>Select a hardware item above to view or edit additional parameters.</label>

    <label>Create Bug Report (Sapphire Sample)</label>

A Sapphire UI definition is a hierarchy of parts. At the lowest level we have the property editor and a few other basic parts like separators. These are aggregated together into various kinds of composities until the entire part hierarchy is defined. Some hinting here and there to guide the UI renderer and the UI definition is complete. Note the top-level composite and dialog elements. These are parts that you can re-use to build more complex UI definitions or reference externally from Java code.

Next we will write a little bit of Java code to open the dialog that we defined.

final IFileBugReportOp op = new FileBugReportOp( new ModelStoreForXml( new ByteArrayModelStore() ) );
final IBugReport report = op.getBugReport( true );

final SapphireDialog dialog 
    = new SapphireDialog( shell, report, "org.eclipse.sapphire.samples/sdef/EzBug.sdef!bug.report.dialog" );
if( dialog.open() == Dialog.OK )
    // Do something. User input is found in the bug report model.

Pretty simple, right? We create the model and then use the provided SapphireDialog class to instantiate the UI by referencing the model instance and the UI definition. The pseudo-URI that's used to reference the UI definition is simply bundle id, followed by the path within that bundle to the file holding the UI definition, followed by the id of the definition to use.

Let's run it and see what we get...


There you have it. Professional rich UI backed by your model with none of the fuss of configuring widgets, trying to get layouts to do what you need them to do or debugging data binding issues.

One Step Further

A dialog is nice, but really a wizard would be better suited for filing a bug report. Can Sapphire do that? Sure. Let's first go back to the model. A wizard is a UI pattern for configuring and then executing an operation. Our model is not really an operation yet. We can create and populate a bug report, but then we don't know what to do with it.

Any Sapphire model element can be turned into an operation by adding an execute method. We will do that now with IFileBugReportOp. In particular, IFileBugReportOp will be changed to also extend IExecutableModelElement and will acquire the following method definition:

// *** Method: execute ***
@DelegateImplementation( FileBugReportOpMethods.class )
IStatus execute( IProgressMonitor monitor );

Note how the execute method is specified. We don't want to modify the generated code to implement it, so we use delegation instead. The @DelegateImplementation annotation can be used to delegate any method on a model element to an implementation located in another class. The Sapphire annotation processor will do the necessary hookup.

public class FileBugReportOpMethods
    public static final IStatus execute( IFileBugReportOp context, IProgressMonitor monitor )
        // Do something here.
        return Status.OK_STATUS;

The delegate method implementation must match the method being delegated with two changes: (a) it must be static, and (b) it must take the model element as the first parameter.

Now that we have completed the bug reporting operation, we can return to the UI definition file and add the following:

  <label>Create Bug Report (Sapphire Sample)</label>
    <label>Create Bug Report</label>
    <description>Create and submit a bug report.</description>

The above defines a one page wizard by re-using the composite definition created earlier. Now back to Java to use the wizard...

final IFileBugReportOp op = new FileBugReportOp( new ModelStoreForXml( new ByteArrayModelStore() ) );
op.getBugReport( true );  // Force creation of the bug report.

final SapphireWizard<IFileBugReportOp> wizard 
    = new SapphireWizard<IFileBugReportOp>( op, "org.eclipse.sapphire.samples/sdef/EzBug.sdef!wizard" );
final WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog( shell, wizard );

SapphireWizard will invoke the operation's execute method when the wizard is finished. That means we don't have to act based on the result of the open call. The execute method will have completed by the time the open method returns to the caller.

The above code pattern works well if you are launching the wizard from a custom action, but if you need to contribute a wizard to an extension point, you can extend SapphireWizard to give your wizard a zero-argument constructor that creates the operation and references the correct UI definition.

Let's run it...


One More Step

Now that we have a system for submitting bug reports, it would be nice to have a way to maintain a collection of these reports. Even better if we can re-use some of our existing code to do this. Back to the model.

The first step is to create IBugDatabase type which will hold a collection of bug reports. By now you should have a pretty good idea of what that will look like.

@RootXmlBinding( elementName = "bug-database" )

public interface IBugDatabase extends IModelForXml
    ModelElementType TYPE = new ModelElementType( IBugDatabase.class );

    // *** BugReports ***
    @Type( base = IBugReport.class )
    @Label( standard = "bug report" )
    @ListPropertyXmlBinding( mappings = { @ListPropertyXmlBindingMapping( element = "bug", type = IBugReport.class ) } )
    ListProperty PROP_BUG_REPORTS = new ListProperty( TYPE, "BugReports" );
    ModelElementList<IBugReport> getBugReports();

That was easy. Now let's go back to the UI definition file.

Sapphire simplifies creation of multi-page editors. It also has very good integration with WTP XML editor that makes it easy to create the very typical two-page editor with a form-based page and a linked source page showing the underlying XML. The linkage is fully bi-directional.

To create an editor, we start by defining the structure of the pages that will be rendered by Sapphire. Sapphire currently only supports one editor page layout, but it is a very flexible layout that works for a lot scenarios. You get a tree outline of content on the left and a series of sections on the right that change depending on the selection in the outline.

  <page-header-text>Bug Database (Sapphire Sample)</page-header-text>
  <initial-selection>Bug Reports</initial-selection>
      <label>Bug Reports</label>
        <description>Use this editor to manage your bug database.</description>
            <label>Add a bug report</label>
            <label>Bug Report</label>

You can see that the definition centers around the outline. The definition traverses the model as the outline is defined with sections attached to various nodes acquiring the context model element from their node. The outline can nest arbitrarily deep and you can even define recursive structures by externalizing node definitions, assigning ids to them and then referencing those definitions similarly to how this sample references an existing composite definition.

The next step is to create the actual editor. Sapphire includes several editor classes for you to choose from. In this article we will use the editor class that's specialized for the case where you are editing an XML file and you want to have an editor page rendered by Sapphire along with an XML source page.

public final class BugDatabaseEditor extends SapphireEditorForXml
    public BugDatabaseEditor()
        super( "org.eclipse.sapphire.samples" );
        setEditorDefinitionPath( "org.eclipse.sapphire.samples/sdef/EzBug.sdef/editor.page" );

    protected IModel createModel( final ModelStore modelStore )
        return new BugDatabase( (ModelStoreForXml) modelStore );

Finally, we need to register the editor. There are a variety of options for how to do this, but covering all of these options is outside the scope of this article. For simplicity we will register the editor as the default choice for files named "bugs.xml".

<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editors">
    name="Bug Database Editor (Sapphire Sample)"/>

That's it. We are done creating the editor. After launching Eclipse and creating a bug.xml file, you should see an editor that looks like this:


Sapphire really shines in complex cases like this where form UI is sitting on top a source file that users might edit by hand. In the above screen capture, what happened is that the user manually entered "BETA2" for the product stage in the source view. There is a problem marker next to the property editor and the yellow assistance popup is accessible by clicking on that marker. The problem message is displayed along with additional information about the property and available actions. The "Show in source" action, for instance, will immediately jump to the editor's source page and highlight the text region associated with this property. This is very valuable when you must deal with large files. These facilities and many others are available out of the box with Sapphire with no extra effort from the developer.


Now that you've been introduced to what Sapphire can do, compare it to how you are currently writing UI code. All of the code presented in this article can be written by a developer with just a few weeks of Sapphire experience in an hour or two. How long would it take you to create something comparable using your current method of choice?

I hope that this article has piqued your interest in Sapphire. Oracle is committed to bringing this technology to the open source community. We have proposed a project at the Eclipse Foundation. If you are interested, you should post a message on the project's forum. Introduce yourself and describe your interest. We are actively seeking both consumers of this technologies as well as potential partners to come join the effort and help us take this technology in the directions that we have not yet anticipated.

Tool for exporting formatted code to HTML?

Quick poll… When writing blogs or articles, what do you use to nicely format code snippets as HTML? I am particularly curious if anyone found an Eclipse plugin that simply exports the style that’s visible in the Eclipse editor rather than trying to implement parsing and styling on its own.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

JDT, Manifest Classpath, Classpath Containers and Helios

In the interest of public service, thought I’d communicate a behavior change in Eclipse Java Developer Tools (JDT) coming in Helios (aka Eclipse 3.6). In Galileo (aka Eclipse 3.5), JDT started resolving manifest classpath in libraries added to project’s build path. This worked whether the library was added to project’s build path directly or via a classpath container, such as the user library facility provided by JDT or one implemented by a third party. In Helios, this behavior was changed to exclude classpath containers from manifest classpath resolution.

This change in behavior has potential to affect users who have started relying on this facility in their projects. A workspace with projects that built fine in Galileo may not build in Helios. The cause may not be obvious as the only thing that the user will notice is build errors complaining of missing types. The user will need to figure out where those types were coming from originally and take steps to make sure those libraries are referenced directly. The exact way to do that is dependent on the implementation of the classpath container in question. For instance, if the container is based on JDT user library feature, then the definition of the user library will need to be adjusted in preferences. Alternatively, users can set a system property in their eclipse.ini file to revert to Galileo behavior. Adding the following line to the end of the file should to the trick:


This change can also affect third parties shipping plugins on top of JDT that implement classpath containers. If the classpath container was implemented to rely on manifest classpath resolution, it will need to be updated to work properly on Helios. Fortunately, JDT provides an API to make this process less painful…

JavaCore.getReferencedClasspathEntries( [IClasspathEntry], [IJavaProject] )

The above API call will do manifest classpath resolution on the library referenced by the provided classpath entry. Pass in null for the second parameter. The result is an array of classpath entries that can be added to the original set in classpath container initialization. Several things to watch out for…

  1. Make sure not add the same library twice. This is fairly easy to do, especially if your container implementation gives user some control over the contents. The last time I ran into this, JDT threw an exception on container initialization.
  2. Check returned entries for existence before adding them to your container. The getReferencedClasspathEntries method does not check for existence, but if your container adds a reference to a non-existing file, JDT will put an error in the problems view and nothing will build. Could be an ugly surprise for your users as a code fix in the container implementation will be required to resolve this.
  3. The getReferencedClasspathEntries method is new for Helios, which means that your container implementation will no longer be compatible with Galileo. If you need to support Galileo and Helios from the same code base, you will need to implement your own manifest classpath resolution.


  1. Bug 305037 - missing story for attributes of referenced JARs in classpath containers
  2. Bug 313965 - Breaking change in classpath container API
  3. Bug 313890 - Migration guide to 3.6 for containers with MANIFEST-referred entries

Olivier Thomann has asked me to include the following clarifying statement:

“Galileo behavior was wrong as a container should control exactly what is inside the container. So Helios fixed this issue.”

I have no disagreement with that statement. My purpose in writing this blog is purely to document a difference in behavior from Galileo to Helios that can appear to many as a regression. I do think this change could have been handled better, but that’s besides the point at this stage in Helios release and not the reason that I wrote this post.